
Vive e lavora a Bologna.
E’ interessata  al corpo come strumento di esplorazione e indagine interiore.
Abitare una sensazione e catturare la gestualità e l’immagine in movimento che ne derivano.
Il punto di ricerca diventa  lo scandagliare il corpo e lo sgretolarne l’immagine.
Il segno coreografico nasce dalla necessità di rielaborare uno spazio e un tempo alternativo a quello del quotidiano.




Ph. Francesca Cesari



I lives and works in Bologna.
In my research, the body is perceived as an instrument to represent and translate physical and emotional dimensions.
I find natural to use movement as an instrument
to explore inner states.

My research doesn’t arise from a choreographic layout, but from living a sensation, observing gestures and qualities of the movements that result from it.
From this exploration I usually try to extrapolate an image, which I start to inhabit and develop more strands from. My choreographic structures are developed through the repetition of sequences of movements and the accumulation of actions. Structures of movement are created and I experiment with these through improvisation techniques in order to create choreographic material.
I try to create a full circle through these movements and actions, and find back the inner state from which they sprang.

It’s an immersive experience. My choreographic signature arises from the need to create a space and a time alternative to the everyday one and my compositional activity focuses on the research of new perspectives and definitions of body.



